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Spectrum: as2o5_roomt_scan1

Data File: as2o5_roomt_scan1.xdi
Short Description: as2o5_roomt_scan1
Ratings: No ratings
Suites: No suites contain this spectrum
Absorption Edge: As K edge
Measurement Mode: transmission
Beamline: SSRL 4-1    
Mono d-spacing: 3.135500 Å (Si(111))
Energy Units: eV
Energy Resolution: nominal
Sample: As2O5 arsenic (V) oxide
As2O5, powder on tape (5 layers)
Reference Sample: GaAs powder
Date Measured: 1997-01-19 14:49:01-05:00
Date Uploaded: 2020-05-07 19:57:07.558935-04:00
Owner: Matt Newville (matt.newville@gmail.com)
Citation: unknown    
User Comments:
exafs to K15, GaAs in IR

    unsorted file headers:
# Beamline: name: SSRL 4-1
# Detector: i0: N2 15cm, i1: N2 30cm, i2: Ar 15cm
# Mono: d_spacing: 3.13550, name: Si(111), notes: unfocused, detuned 40%,counter clockwise at E=12000eV
# Sample: reference: GaAs powder, temperature: room temperature
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