IXAS X-ray Absorption Data Library Log In Create Account

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Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
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22 spectra for Zn    -   Click on heading labels to toggle sorting:
  Name     Edge     Beamline     Rating   Select
    zn_znse_rt   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    ZnO   K   APS 13-ID-E   unrated
    Zn_foil   K   APS 13-ID-E   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_sphalerite_rt_03   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_sphalerite_rt_02   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_sphalerite_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnSO4_rt_03   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnSO4_rt_02   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnSO4_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_smithsonite_rt_03   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_smithsonite_rt_02   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_smithsonite_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnS_aldrich_rt_03   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnS_aldrich_rt_02   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnS_aldrich_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_hopeite_rt_03   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_hopeite_rt_02   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Zn_hopeite_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_Znfoil_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnC2O4_rt_03   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnC2O4_rt_02   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
    Chorover13BM_ZnC2O4_rt_01   K   APS 13-BM-D   unrated
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